Portfolio Overview
As a product manager and full-stack web developer Chad has worked with and coded in a number of leading web technologies. His preferred tech stack is Ruby on Rails, Angular 2/4, and Postgresql, and designing in Sketch, but he is excited to craft projects using the best tools for the project. Most of Chad's work experience is in the education industry, but he has contributed to projects in the real estate, crowd funding, and social networking spaces. He has extensive experience in early-stage product development to scaling a startup to thousands of users.
Built with:
- Rails 5
- Bootstrap 3
- Gritter
- RSpec
- Capybara
- Factory Girl
- Devise
- Twilio
- Administrate
- Bourbon
- Pundit
- Heroku
- Spark Post
- Honeybadger
- New Relic
Built with:
- Angular 2/4
- Angular CLI
- Two separate Rails 5 API microservices
- NG Bootstrap
- Heroku
React Records
Built with:
- React
- Bootstrap
- Heroku